10 Little Changes That’ll Make a Big Difference With Your Hair Loss

10 Little Changes That’ll Make a Big Difference With Your Hair Loss

How dreadful would you feel, if you start experiencing sudden hair loss in your life? Hairs form the crown of your entire body and so you need to keep it with great care. However, in spite of proper handling, many people face this problem very often. So, let us have a glance at some of the common hair loss causes.

Causes of Hair Loss

  • Ageing- between the ages of 20-50, it is common to experience hair loss. Some may experience it at an earlier stage and others may at the later stages.
  • Use of cosmetic chemicals- coloring, bleaching and massage creams may have an effect on the hairs, resulting not hair loss.
  • Heredity- pattern hair loss or baldness may be a result of heredity as it may be transmitted to the next generation by the males or females, as well
  • Medication, drugs and radiation- some medicines like antidepressants, anticoagulants, antibiotics, contraceptive pills, amphetamines, etc causes hair loss. Radiation and chemotherapy used in cancer cure is one of the major causes of hair loss.
  • Menopause- it is the most noteworthy reason of hair loss in women due to hormonal changes or imbalance during this time.

After reviewing some of the most prominent causes of hair loss, it is essential to know the alternative treatment approaches for the same. Below given is a guide for hair loss tips.

Hair Loss Tips

  • Massage the scalp- it is the best way that promotes growth of hairs to a great extent. Even a five minutes’ massage per day is sufficient to see the difference.
  • Protein rich food- hairs need good amount of proteins to grow healthily, since they are made of keratin. So, foodstuffs that are rich sources of protein like eggs, peanuts, cottage cheese, legumes, oatmeal should be included in the diet.
  • Have adequate sleep- you might be amazed reading this but the hairs strengthen and grow when one is asleep. Have at least eight hours of peaceful and calm night sleep. You can practice meditation before going to bed to clear your minds and have a deep sleep.
  • Daily shower- Take a shower daily to remove the unwanted sebum and dirt present on the hairs that gradually results into hair loss. Also, use a shampoo and a conditioner to clean your scalp thoroughly.
  • Avoid using styling products like hair gels. Etc. instead you may prefer Aloe Vera gel that is a natural product without any side effects.
  • Keep Hair Clean – One needs to ensure that his or her hair is clean. It surely helps one’s hair grow rapidly. Hair follicles get clogged by the dirt that makes it tough for hair to grow faster. But to clean the dirt, never shampoo everyday as too much shampooing dehydrates hair. One should shampoo for two times a week and cleanse the hair on regular basis.
  • Condition hair regularly – Conditioning hair regularly is best for hair. After shampooing the hair, one should make use of a condition. Condition surely helps a person to make hair soft and detangle.
  • Rinse hair using Warm water – Do not make use of extreme hot or cold water for cleaning your hair as it makes your hair brittle.
  • Be gentle after hair wash – One should not comb, tug, twist his or her hair instantly after the hair wash. It is because, hair roots are weak and can expose to breakage when wet.
  • Never opt for chemical treatment of your hair – Chemical treatments such as relaxers make your curly hair look long, even if they hugely slow down the growth of the hair of men.

Follow these simple and natural hair loss tips to enjoy beautiful, shiny and thick hairs that will attract others, for sure.

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